Managed I.C.T Services Queensland


Step by step guides and product/software reviews for our clients are here:

Wrike Project Management

Wrike helps your staff more efficient and collaborate on a whole new level.  It includes the following features:

  • Task listing

  • Gantt chart inclusion

  • Time keeping

  • Workload management

  • Email plug ins

  • Custom fields

  • IPhone and android apps

  • Customised reporting

  • Real time news feed

  • Documentation sharing and collaboration

  • Box, Dropbox and Google Drive Integration

Real Time Management Software

You can use Wrike to break larger blocks of work into smaller lots.  Wrike is used to track overall progress, and each staff members task load.  By breaking it down, you can manage and prioritize urgent components or tasks, so you can complete the project quicker and with less rework all whilst maintaining transparency for all.

Live Editing and file management

Strict versioning control so you can see everyone’s changes in real time, a lot like working on a live Google spreadsheet with several authors, you can see who is working on what cell.  You can edit freely without downloading the file.

Plan the project

A Gantt chart can help you view the forecast of the project and set goals and dependencies in live time so you can help keep them on schedule.

Can have recurring tasks on their which are automatically added so you are repeating yourself each week added the same recurring event.  You can easily duplicate previous tasks.  For an IT Company you could add tasks to the project like check a certain backup and verify it has been tested and reported.



You can chat to Team mates and they get a chat notification on their desktop.  Can also invite clients into projects so they can see project progress and you can get instant feedback from them.  I have found getting feedback from clients can sometimes delay a project if they don’t respond.  This way they can answer immediately and the project keeps flowing and they the client are happy they are being involved.

Proofing and Approval

Edit tasks and provide updates and approval to staff queries all help maximise workflow control.  All communication recorded to provide tracking of any contractual discussions, or changes to scope.  System of record the big takeaway here.

Personal Dashboard

This is where you manage your own workload, including to-do lists, and tasks that have to be done.  Drag tasks to different areas like “Today”, “This week”, “next week”, or “Later”.

Live activity Stream

A real news time feed of updates of the project activity that provides instant status reports and cuts meetings and email communication in half so the team can concentrate on work instead of emails.


Keep the team working and updated even while you are on the road via running the app on your Apple or Android Phone.

Email and Calendar synchronisation

Stop using Email as your main communication task and send the emails to Wrike to transform them into tasks.  And then synchronise the tasks to any calendar, including Google, Outlook and iCalender.


Project & Team Reporting

Wrike includes a simple to use report creator lets you quickly visualise your team’s work.  You can see where all of your projects are at a glance, and can generate reports from this months or earlier months very easily.



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