Managed I.C.T Services Queensland


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Less Secure Access Gmail accounts

For some time, Google Workspace (paid for accounts), and Gmail have required less secure access option to be enabled when using the account for SMTP. That is, for sending emails from that Google or Gmail account.

The account itself is secure, using SSL and network level encryption. As well as strong passwords, 2-step verification, and TLS (Email encryption)

But for 3rd party apps to be able to access the Google/Gmail account, you had to go into the account settings and enable access for less secure apps (E.g. Outlook, or Network Printers scan to email function)

However, since May 30th, Google has turned off Enable access for less secure apps. This is for Gmail only, but will follow with Google Workspace (paid for accounts)

  • The way to fix this is to log onto the Google Account, and turn on 2-Step Verification.

  • Go to the security tab of the Google Account

  • Where it says App Passwords, click on none and add one

  • Under select App, choose Other/Custom, and give it a name, e.g. Scan to Email Rule

  • Copy the generated password. It will have spaces, but just copy it. It will remove the spaces.

  • Click on Done.

  • Go back to your device e.g. Konica Minolta or other type of Network printer. In the Network/SMTP settings page, find your Gmail account and update the account password to the new App password that Google created and you copied. Paste the password in and save. The device may need to be restarted for the changes to take affect.

Thanks to EquipMyBiz YouTube Channel for this solution.

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